Persuasive Essay


Persuasive Essay

What is persuasive essay?  Persuasive essay is an academic piece of writing written with the aim to persuade the reader to accept your point of view on specific issue.  Persuasive essay should be written about the debatable topic and your task is to defend your position.  You may use the following structure for your persuasive essay:

1)      Introduction (introduce the topic and state your position)

2)      Supporting Argument 1 (start with the strongest argument)

3)      Opposing Argument 1 (mention the opinion of the opponents)

4)      Refutation (show why the opinion of the opponents is not valid)

5)      Supporting Argument 2 (state the second supporting argument)

6)      Opposing Argument 2 (mention another opinion of opponents)

7)      Refutation (show why this opinion is wrong)

8)      Supporting Argument 3 (confirm your position)

9)      Conclusion (focus on supporting arguments)

It is not easy to choose the strongest supporting arguments as well as the opinion of others. If you are in need of individual help with essay writing, you should try our professional essay writing services.  Persuasive essay written by our essay writers meets the requirements of the most demanding teachers because we write persuasive essays from scratch.

Essay Sample

Enzymes have been termed organic catalysts and this is an accurate, if limited, statement. A catalyst can be defined as a compound that speeds up a chemical reaction and yet remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. In the case of the enzyme amylase, the reaction that is catalyzed is the breakdown of starch to individual glucose molecules. Some breakdown would occur, if enough time were available, without the presence of amylase. But in the presence of amylase the reaction is rapid and large amounts of glucose appear. Amylase does not change the course of the reaction. Moreover, although amylase is involved in the reaction, it is unchanged at the end of the reaction.

Enzymes lower the activation energy of reactions in which they are involved. Molecules will break down if their energy is increased to a point where the molecules are no longer stable. The energy needed to achieve this point is called the energy of activation. As the temperature is raised and more energy is available, the reaction rate increases. Enzymes, by lowering the activation energy of the reaction, permit reactions to occur at normal environmental temperatures. How enzymes are able to permit such reactions is unknown.

All enzymes are proteins. They are, with few exceptions, large molecules composed of hundreds of amino acids. The amino acids are joined together in long, elaborately coiled chains. Some enzymes consist solely of proteins, while many consist of two parts. The larger of these two parts is inevitably a protein molecule. This does not mean that all proteins are enzymes; but a part of every enzyme is a protein. The second part, called the co-enzyme, may be a metal such as iron, manganese, or copper, or a vitamin such as thiamin, riboflavin, or nicotinic acid. When an enzyme consists of two parts, both parts must be present for the enzyme to function. The fact that enzymes are proteins and therefore highly complex molecules means that most enzymes are easily damaged. Any treatment that will break down or alter (denature) proteins will destroy the enzymes' activity. Thus, while an increase in temperature will increase the rate of an enzymatic reaction, too high a temperature denatures the protein and the enzymatic reaction ceases. Any number of other changes in the immediate environment of the enzyme molecule may result in the loss of activity.

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